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How might a disabled person moving out impact SSI benefits?

| Jan 3, 2023 | Social Security Disability

Young people in Indiana want to have their independence and be free to live on their own. This includes disabled people who have been getting some form of Social Security Disability benefits. When a young adult receives Supplemental Security Income, there are rules regarding how much they receive.

Often, those who are getting SSI are living with parents or guardians. However, if they can live on their own, this can impact the amount they receive in SSI benefits. Parents who are trying to protect their children while simultaneously wanting to give them room to live independently should know the bearing living arrangements have on SSI.

Where a person lives can affect the amount of SSI they receive

The key with SSI benefits under these circumstances is the living arrangements and who is paying for food and shelter. The type of living situation the person is in—whether they own a property or rent it—does not matter. Those living on their own can get the maximum SSI benefits available in the state.

Those who reside in someone else’s home can also maximize their benefits if they are paying their own way. Still, living in another person’s home, not paying for food or shelter at all or paying a part of it will lead to a reduction in the SSI payments. It can be reduced by as much as one-third.

The living expenses themselves are relatively unimportant. The SSI benefits are contingent on their income. When another person or persons are helping the disabled individual with their food and shelter payments or paying for them, it automatically reduces SSI. An exception is if the recipient is married and their spouse resides with them and pays.

For food and shelter, they will get one-third of the maximum plus $20. When the person is living in their own place, they will not see a reduction in SSI benefits for any reason other than food and shelter costs. If, for example, a parent purchased a television for them or bought other household items, it does not matter in terms of SSI payments.

Parents and guardians should know how SSI changes if a disabled person moves

As this information shows, a disabled young adult may see their SSI changed by various factors, but they can still get significant benefits if they choose to move out. For help with this or any other issue related to SSI benefits, it is important to have professional help to ensure the disabled person’s benefits are protected.
